Help Mansour Complete Our Islamic Community Centre – Hidayah Hub

by Revive Darul Arqam

  • £5,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • £0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

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Revive Darul Arqam

398 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

Assalaamu alaikum, It’s Mansour, I have launched a fundraiser for the Hidayah Hub, a new community centre being opened by our local Masjid, Darul Arqam. The Hidayah Hub is a centre for all that will provide Islamic Guidance which is applicable, practicable and relevant in our times. Taking us gradually through a process of change and betterment through a spiritual journey. There will be a dedicated women’s space for them to socialise and worship, a drop-in guidance centre, multi-use hall for sports, martial arts and more. The Hidayah Hub will provide vital space for our overflowing Masjid and 150 new Madrassah spaces and the youth Almiyyah class. “O you who believe, spend of the wealth We have bestowed upon you (in Allah’s way) before the Day comes when there shall be no buying and no selling; when neither friendship nor intercession will be of any avail.” (Qur’an 2: 254) We are spiritual beings in need – Please, donate now and help develop this much-needed holistic spiritual centre.