Help Provide Water to a Remote and Neglected Syrian Village!

by Revive Darul Arqam

  • £30,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • £100.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
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Revive Darul Arqam

398 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

We recently went to Syria to distribute your donations to refugees and displaced families in need. What we saw there shook our hearts. One of the villages we went to, Ra’s al-Ayn, is severely neglected. Due to it’s remote location, no aid gets there. Neither from the East or West! We were the first ones ever from Europe to visit the village. The houses were dilapidated, with many families having to either remain in suffering, or leave the village as they don’t have access to water. Revive will be providing a water pumping station, and desalination plant. The well, being 400M deep, will allow us to access a purer and longer lasting supply of water to help irrigate crops and feed farm animals so that the villagers have a  chance, a hope, to live. The Prophet Muhammed ï·º said the best charity to give is water! – So imagine the reward for gifting water to an entire village of Syrian families – remember the du’a of the oppressed is never rejected! The total cost of this project is £30,000. Your donations will help provide £30,000:
  • The Water Well
  • A Water Pumping Station
  • And a Water Desalination Plant
Please donate generously, as many as you can – This project will Revive a land that we fear is dying! Share this appeal widely to raise awareness and help us to reach our target! Sadaqah & Zakat Eligible 100% Donation Strategy Revive – Sustainable projects through networks of Scholars
Name Donate Amount Date
Adila Hussain £100.00 May 06, 2024