Help to Ammaarah Feed Bread to Syria!

by Revive Darul Arqam

  • £1,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • £700.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
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Revive Darul Arqam

398 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

As salaam alaikum, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, In the heart of Syria, there exists a village that has endured years of turmoil and hardship. The people of this village have faced unimaginable challenges, but they’ve never lost hope. Today, I stand before you with a mission that can make a world of difference to them. I am raising funds to provide a continuous supply of bread to this Syrian village for an entire year, and I need your help to turn this dream into reality, in the name of Allah.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.”

For these villagers, this daily bread is more than just sustenance. It’s a symbol of hope, resilience, and the strength to carry on. It’s a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there are people who care and are willing to support them, all by the grace of Allah.

But we cannot do this alone. We need your help to ensure that this vital source of sustenance continues uninterrupted.

£1 provides 10 flat breads. £100 provides 1000 flatbread to an entire community of Syrian Refugees! Together, we can ensure that the bread of hope continues to reach the hearts and homes of this Syrian village, reminding them that they are not alone, and that Allah’s mercy is ever-present. Click DONATE NOW at the top of this page to donate your Sadaqah and Zakat today! May Allah (SWT) bless you for your generosity and support.
Bread in Syria
Name Donate Amount Date
Anonymous £20.00 April 09, 2024
Shafina Faruk £620.00 April 08, 2024
Shiz Ikbal £30.00 March 20, 2024
Anonymous £30.00 March 15, 2024