Provide Critical Food Aid in Gaza, Syria and Yemen!
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Gaza | Syria | Yemen £55 provides iftar and suhur parcels for families of five lasting the entire month, across Gaza, Syria and Yemen! The Prophet, upon be peace, said: “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.” (Al-Tirmidhi) Gaza: [£90 provides hot prepared iftars] Since October last year. we have witnessed 40,000 deaths in Gaza. The mass destruction of homes, hospitals and basic infrastructure has caused over 1.9 million people to be displaced from their homes. Many are on the streets, those who are considered fortunate take shelter in tents. Most are without the means to cook meals for themselves. They will fast in Gaza, without knowing if food will come to them at Iftar time. Syria: [£100 provides 1,000 loaves of bread in Syria (Al Bab, and Ifrin)] For the people of Syria, bread is cherished. No bread goes to waste – for Syria bread symbolises hope. Bread is one of their staple foods. However, due to wheat shortages, and the recent Türkiye-Syria earthquake the price of bread has become unaffordable for most refugees. Revive’s Ramadan bread factory alone runs from Ramadan-Ramadan, your distribution begins in Ramadan with daily distribution and continues all year long, recycling your reward and donation beyond the Blessed Month! Yemen: [£275 provides water for a refugee community] Revive will be distributing hot meals in Syria and Yemen, also amongst the worst humanitarian disasters of the 21st Century with widespread starvation. Food parcels will be provided to feed 1000 refugees daily in Syria and 1000 refugees daily in Yemen so that they can prepare meals for their family throughout the month – In order to do this we need your help! “Allah, the Exalted, says, ‘Spend, O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.’” Revive operates in the areas other charities have difficulty reaching. Revive does this through working with a Network of Scholars who know their communities well, and know exactly where the most need is. Sustainable Projects Through Networks of Scholars | 100% Donation Strategy | Sadaqah and Zakat EligibleName | Donate Amount | Date |
Hawa AL-hadad | £100.00 | September 03, 2024 |
Anonymous | £400.00 | April 07, 2024 |
Anonymous | £600.00 | March 20, 2024 |