Disability Syria


by Revive Darul Arqam

  • £8,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • £1,071.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

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Revive Darul Arqam

398 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

3.7 million Syrians have a disability as a result of the war. Thousands have been fitted with prosthetic limbs. Thereafter most find that work opportunities are scarce. The few opportunities which are available are inaccessible to their needs, forcing them into a life of poverty and reliance on humanitarian aid. Can you imagine surviving the war, only to be plunged into a life of poverty? You can help disabled Syrian people to liberate themselves and their families from poverty, by providing them with an accessible way to earn a sustainable living!
  • 1 in 5 Syrians have a disability
  • 60% of Syrian households have a family member with a disability
  • 70% of Syrians are living in poverty.
The Prophet ﷺ said “Whoever relieves the hardship of a believer in this world, Allah will relieve his hardship on the Day of Resurrection.” Muslim

How can you help?

You can help a victim of the Syrian war and their family out of poverty for the long-term future! Provide a disabled Syrian war victim with:
  • A portable retail unit
  • A mechanical quad which can transport the unit
  • Stock to sell to their community
  • Next – The war victim you help will be able to earn an income from their unit and the stock you provide by selling to their local community, in order to continuously support themselves and their families. Once the stock is used, the income generated will be recycled into buying more stock and continuing to generate stable income.
Your donation will be recycled over and over again, as a Sadaqah Jariyah, in which you will benefit for as long as the family you help takes benefit! Can you imagine the rewards over the potential span of a lifetime?
You can help by donating Sadaqah & Zakat in order to provide the CT scanner they need!
  1. Donate any amount
  2. Donate £232 for a full share in a Unit (between 4o donors, your name/business will be displayed on the unit – please state in the notes on your donation)
  3. Donate a full unit for £800 (your name/business will be displayed on the unit – please state in the notes on your donation)
  4. Share this appeal to help us reach our target!
  5. Giftaid it – Donating through gift aid helps us to maintain our 100% donation strategy!
Imagine the long-term rewards with Allah for improving the quality of life for a disabled Syrian Refugee and their family! 100% Donation Strategy Revive – Sustainable projects through networks of Scholars.